MAC Address #
Frame #
Logical Link Control (LLC) #
Media Access Control (MAC) #
Buying NICs #
Buy name-brand.
Installation #
Drivers #
Usually NICs will come with a CD or have downloadable drivers
- Often the drivers are already baked into an OS
Bonding #
Most switches enable you to use multiple NICs for a single machine, a process called bonding or link aggregation.
- This can effectively double (or more) the speed between switch and machine.
- Best to use identical NICs if this is going to be done
Link Lights #
All UTP NICs have some type of LED that indicates if connection is good and if it’s working.
Link Light Solid, on if working
Activity Light Flashes intermittently when detects network activity
Collision Light Some older NICs have this, not found on modern network equipment
Multispeed Devices Use multiple colers to differentiate between speed of connection
Green = commonly 1 GbE