DNS Servers #
A DNS server is a computer running DNS server software.
- Protocols: Primarily UDP but sometimes TCP
- Port: 53
Root Servers #
- DNS starts with a ‘.’
- Delegates name resolution to other DNS servers
Top-Level Domain (TLD) Servers #
- These are all the ‘.com’ ‘.org’ ‘.net’ ‘.edu’ ‘.gov’, etc.
- ICANN has the authority to create new TLDs.
Second-Level DNS Servers #
Handle millions of names like totalsem.com, alexkraker.net, etc
Name Servers #
DNS Zone #
- Foward Lookup Zone Where IPs and FQDNs for the devices in a domain are stored.
- Reverse Lookup Zone
- Cached Lookups Previously resolved FQDN ’s are cached.
Configuration #
- Authoritative Store IP addresses and FQDN’s of systems for a particular domain or domains.
- Cache-only Never the authoritative nameserver. Communicate with other DNS servers to resolve domains.
DNS Records #
Location of DNS Servers #
- Local
- Usually private DNS
- Typically forwards DNS for which it’s not the authoritative nameserver
- External Any DNS server that is not internal to an organization.
Dynamic DNS #
Works together with DHCP to dynamically update IP addresses of forward lookup zones
- IPAM IP Address Management Protocol used to establish DNS when IP addresses change. Used to communicate between DHCP and DNS server.