
We need to figure out a list of things that a T1E, APS, T2S, or MH agent should know.

Then we need to figure out the best way to order that information so that the skills building is progressive in terms of skills that build on other skills and in terms of difficulty.

For anyone moving into APS and T2S/MH Linux CLI skills and best-practices should be a major part of this. We’re seeing significant gaps in the skills of agents specifically in APS it seems, when it comes to Linux CLI skills and knowledge.

There needs to be documentation regarding how internal tools such as scripts and oneliners should be submitted for approval and policies around how those things are processed. Right now to anyone in T1 - APS, Systems/T3 seems a bit like a black-hole.

Also, Systems level agents, like myself (MH) are being told to submit scripts and tools for approval through Operation Improve, but in other channels have been told to submit them through Jira directly to T3. What’s the official process? Is this documented anywhere?

Since it’s discouraged to disseminate files of oneliners that have been developed, this also curtails potential learning and dis-enables folks who would be able to effectively and safely use those oneliners. Oneliners may be developed multiple time by multiple different agents to solve common problems we all face, and with varying degrees of quality.

Larger files that have been passed around and maintained are like a code-base that has been developed by multiple individuals over time. While not perfect, is any open-source code-base perfectly safe?

Rather than completely curtailing this, why not train people in the skills they need to have better judgement around what should and shouldn’t be run where. If we try to block this completely people will just work around it, which in some cases may in-fact be worse for us. We have more control over it if we train people up right not if we just try to prevent the dissemination of useful tools. If there are too many barriers to getting things approved people won’t bother.

Scripts and oneliners that have been in common use which have been deprecated by T3 for one reason or another should be broadcast through official channels according to an official policy. Otherwise it can and is missed if not done this way. Official channels is probably an Ack since that’s the only real system we have for broadcasting any official policy changes and tracking whether or not it was Ack’d.