Coaxial cable

Cable contains central conductor wire surrounded by insulating material and braided metal shield. This shields data transmission from EMI .

Connectors #


Bayonet-style connectors called BNC connectors.

  • stick-and-twist
  • BNC: Bayonet Neill-Concelman (or British Naval Connector)

F-type #

Typically used in your tv or cable modem. Screws on.

Splitter #

Splits cable signal into two cables.

Barrel connectors #

Splice two shorter sections of cable together to make one longer section.

Cable types #

RG-59 #

Primarily used for cable tv. Ohm rating: 75

RG-6 #

More robust. Primarily in used today for data transmission. Ohm rating: 75

Radio Guide (RG) Rating. #

Ohm rating. Used to describe impedance and wire’s capacitance.

Rating Ohms Use Connector
RG-58 50 Networking BNC
RG-8 50 Amature Radio
RG-59 75 Cable TV F Type
RG-6 75 Cable TV F Type