Here Strings # COMMAND <<< $WORD
IRL example:
[noaha@vbo-t3x-pro-nax: ~]$ while read -r ctid ips; do for ip in $ips; do echo vzctl set --ipdel $ip --save; echo vzctl set --ipadd $ip --save; done; done <<< $(echo "$vzlist") vzctl set --ipdel --save vzctl set --ipadd --save vzctl set --ipdel --save vzctl set --ipadd --save vzctl set --ipdel --save vzctl set --ipadd --save vzctl set --ipdel 199.
$((expression)) where expression a valid arithmetic expression
Number Bases # Shell supports numbers in any base.
Notation Description number By default uses decimal (base 10) 0number In arithmetic expressions, numbers with a leading 0 are considered octal 0xnumber Hexadecimal notation base#number number is in base Specifying Different Number Bases
Bash supports two types of one-dimensional arrays. Multidimensional arrays aren’t supported.
Indexed Arrays Associative Arrays Indexed Arrays # Indexed arrays use integer numbers as keys.
Associative arrays (aka dictionaries) # Associative arrays use nonempty strings as keys.
Referencing # Referencing array variables and their individual elements.
Uses arrname[subscript] syntax. For indexed arrarys subscript is any valid arithmetic expression and for associative arrays subscript is a nonempty string.
Outputting Contents # * and @ can be used to access every element in an array.
[me@linuxbox ~]$ animals=("a dog" "a cat" "a fish") [me@linuxbox ~]$ for i in ${animals[*]}; do echo $i; done a dog a cat a fish [me@linuxbox ~]$ for i in ${animals[@]}; do echo $i; done a dog a cat a fish [me@linuxbox ~]$ for i in "${animals[*]}"; do echo $i; done a dog a cat a fish [me@linuxbox ~]$ for i in "${animals[@]}"; do echo $i; done a dog a cat a fish Number of array elements # [me@linuxbox ~]$ a[100]=foo [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ${#a[@]} # number of array elements 1 [me@linuxbox ~]$ echo ${#a[100]} # length of element 100 3 Finding subscripts (indexes) # ${!
Regular variables are known in computer science as scalars. Arrays are organized like a table. A spreadsheet acts like a two-dimensional array. An individual array element is accessed using an address called an index or subscript. Most programming languages support multi-dimensional arrays. In Bash arrays are limited to a single dimension.
Variables can be assigned within arithmetic expressions.
Notation Description parameter = value Simple assignment. Assigns value to parameter. paramater += value parameter = parameter + value parameter -= value parameter = parameter - value parameter *= value parameter = parameter * value parameter /= value parameter = parameter / value parameter %= value parameter = parameter % value parameter++ Variable post-increment.
Supported by bash 4.0+ Use strings rather than integers as array indexes.
declare -A colors colors["red"]="#ff0000" colors["green"]="#00ff00" colors["blue"]="#0000ff" echo ${colors["blue"]}
Notes # Linux CLI Linux Utilities and Bash Builtins Bash Scripting Resources # Books # The Linux Command Line Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible Websites # The Art of Command Line * Bash Hackers Wiki * Scripting Strict mode * For writing better shell scripts Shell Style Guide ShellCheck A script analysis tool.
Wildcards # Wildcards (aka Globbing or Globs) can be expanded by bash to match any of the following:
Wildcard Meaning * Matches any characters ? Matches any single character [characters] Matches any character that is a member of the set characters [!characters] Matches any character that is not a member of the set characters [:class:] Matches any character that is a member of the specified class [:alnum:] matches any alphanumeric character [:alpha:] Matches any alphabetic character [:digit:] Matches any numeral [:lower:] Matches any lowercase letter [:upper:] Matches any uppercase letter Arithmetic Expansion # $((expression))